Saturday, April 26, 2008

lAtley McCaLL hAs BeEn aCtInG LikE a DoG. I am BegGinInG tO beLiEvE tHat sHe MigHt ThInK sHe iS A DoG!

First Official Post of First offical Home

We moved into this condo last year in July and it has really needed some work. Over the last month things have finally been coming together. So here are some before and after shots. We redid the cabinets, carpet, kitchen floor has marble, we painted and put new window treatments up. We now just have a few finishing touches and the backyard needs some work but then we will be ready to sell and walk away with our profit.



It Looks like I posted the after before for. I am sure that anyone could figure that out. I don't know any one who would put pink carpet in their kitchen or bathroom let alone anywhere in there house.