She also likes to paint her fingernails when nobody is looking. One day after I used all of the nail polish remover to get old nail polish off McCall decided that she needed to paint her nail also. Except for she also painted the carpet and every inch of her body. Here is the results.
Since we were fresh out of nail polish remover the only thing to do was to put her into the shower until Tyler could get back from the store with a new bottle. This was the only way to keep her from getting nail polish all over the rest of the house.
My favorite thing that she ever has done was a couple of months ago. I was taking a shower and she had to get in with me. She was climbing in with her clothes on. So I helped her get in but I was not planning on her doing so. I did not have a towel ready for her. I had been yelling a couple of times for Tyler to please bring a towel. McCall must have understood my frustration when not shy of a minute later she flung the shower curtain doo open and yelled Tyler's name, except it sounded more like "Tywler" The towel came real quick after that.