Sunday, July 20, 2008


1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you can remember!

2. Next, repost these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you are playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


Tracy Smythe said...

I remember that one night we were working on Pod F together on CMU. I had that little girl that was going to the bathroom and getting unhooked from everything every hour and then the mom was being a little sassy. You were so funny and the comments you made me laugh. It's always so much better to work with fun makes the crappy shifts so much better!

Peggy said...

My memories are pleasant ones. Tim and I so enjoyed your visits when you lived in our apartment; you made us feel more than just landlords, we became friends. It was so good to see you at Primary when our nephew was a patient. BTW--McCall is beautiful like her mother!

Megan and Alyvia said...

Hey Girl! How are ya? I'm so glad you have a blog because I am so bad at keeping in touch!
Hope things are going good for you guys.

So a memory I have of you is that night at the hospital where we stayed up forever talking while Livie had her sleep study done. It was so good to have someone to talk to. I was able to relate to you so well.
Thanks!! (:

Andrea said...

W6...need I say more????? Ok I guess I can be more specific. Umm...this may be a weird thing to remember, but I recall many a time emptying the laundry together and having long talks about boys and whatever with you! And many many bedbaths given together with our pts. **good times**

Maxfields said...

Christine, your little girl is so cute. I'm glad you are doing well. Love Ya!

Maxfields said...

Christine, I remember tons of stuff. How about when you broke the mirror off of your car and we tried to fix it. how about our bet about who you would marry, or when you got a flat tire on 7200s. just off the freeway and Paul and I came to help. Remember we couldn't get the tire off and that tow truck driver broke his tool trying to help. There was one morning when you parents were out of town and Kelly hurt her arm or something like that and you called paul and I to come over. I think she was trying to get out of going to school or something. All of this remembering reminds me how much I love you and your friendship.